斯里兰卡政府重申其对招募和使用儿童的零容忍政策,并重申其对工作组的承诺,为此设立了一个由政府高级官员组成的委员会,对一些安全部队怂恿卡鲁纳派招募和使用儿童的指控进行独立和可信的调查。 The Government of Sri Lanka reaffirmed its zero-tolerance policy for the recruitment and use of children and reiterated its commitment to the Working Group by establishing a committee comprising high-level Government officials to conduct an independent and credible investigation into allegations that some security forces are abetting the Karuna faction in the recruitment and use of children MultiUn
针对具体部门(发展规划者、应急管理者、地方政府官员等等)制订管理和减少灾害风险的培训和学习课程。 Develop training and learning programmes in disaster risk management and reduction targeted at specific sectors (development planners, emergency managers, local government officials, etc.). UN-2
联合王国已经批准了《打击欧洲共同体官员或欧洲联盟成员国官员腐败行为公约》。 The United Kingdom has ratified the Convention on the Fight Against Corruption Involving Officials of the European Communities or Officials of Member States of the European Union. UN-2
通过该项目的实施,不丹得以加强司法制度,对执法官员进行国际人权标准理论方面和实际应用方面的培训,并增强不丹在国际人权文书的规定下进行报告的能力,以及对国际人权规定和义务的理解。 Through this project, Bhutan was able to strengthen the administration of justice, train law enforcement officials on the theoretical aspects and practical implications of international human rights standards, and to support Bhutan’s capacity to report under international human rights instruments and its understanding of international human rights norms and obligations. UN-2
对执法官员、新闻工作者、教育工作者和民间社会各行为者等有关领域专业人员开展培训,从而使他们为与种族歧视和对妇女的歧视作斗争作出更多贡献。 Training professionals working in relevant fields, such as law enforcement officers, journalists, educators and civil society actors in order to enhance their contribution to combating racial discrimination and discrimination against women. UN-2
月 # 日,联合国人权事务高级专员办事处副高级专员和其他高级官员向委员会简要介绍了人权专员办事处的行政和预算情况,以及在改革方面所作的努力。 On # une, the Committee was briefed by the Deputy High Commissioner and other senior officials of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the administrative and budgetary situation of the Office, as well as reform efforts MultiUn
我们正在培训民事干预部队——一支紧急情况反映部队——和一支保护政府官员的部队。 We are currently training the civil intervention force, an emergency response force, and a dignitary protection force. UN-2
在我访问期间,政府官员一再表示,一些人道主义工作人员在达尔富尔从事了不正当活动。 During my visit, Government officials repeatedly suggested that some humanitarian staff in Darfur were engaged in inappropriate activities. UN-2
委员会继续通过外交部就与建筑材料交付、当地采购免缴增值税和提高新增办公设施运行效率所需其他服务有关的所有问题同东道国政府官员积极协作。 The Commission continues to collaborate actively with the host Government officials through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on all issues relating to the delivery of construction materials, exemption from the value added tax for local purchases and other services required in the interest of the operational efficiency of the additional office facilities. UN-2
订正公告没有考虑到在所涉问题上缺乏政府间政治共识,秘书长和参与编写公告的联合国其他官员的客观性和中立性也受到质疑。 The legitimacy and effectiveness of any United Nations document depended on an open, clear and democratic adoption procedure. UN-2
经社部还编写185份简报来协助联合国高级官员、秘书长和副秘书长。 The Department assisted United Nations senior officials, the Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General through the preparation of 185 briefing notes. UN-2
· 执法人员(法官、公共检察官、监狱管教人员、警察、宪兵和其他公共官员), · Law enforcement officers (judges, public prosecutors, penitentiary personnel, police, gendarmerie and other public officers); UN-2
这些案件由法律官员处理,他们与社会福利服务部密切合作,确定是否把案件提交法庭(起诉罪犯)处理符合受害人最大的利益。 These cases are handled by Law Officers who, in close co-operation with the Social Welfare Services, decide whether it is in the best interest of the victim to take the case to Court (to prosecute the perpetrator MultiUn
这一例外同意将在没有国家调查官员的情况下,使内部监督事务厅和(或)立即反应小组能够约谈证人,包括特遣队成员。 This exceptional consent would allow OIOS and/or an immediate response team to interview witnesses, including contingent members, where no National Investigation Officer is available. UN-2
不论是通过何种方式、不论是在检查点、通过边境官员还是以突袭和其他行动方式辨认出受害者,只要一个人声称自己是贩运人口的受害者,或因存在贩运人口的证据而被认定为受害者,他们都被视为贩运人口受害者。 Regardless of the avenue through which victims are identified, whether at checkpoints, by frontline officers or through raids and other operations, once a person claims to be a victim of trafficking or is identified to be a victim due to the presence of elements of TIP, they will be treated as victims of trafficking. UN-2
一段时间之后,他们承认,他确实遭到拘禁,但指出,他们认为他是赤道几内亚公民,而不是西班牙公民,为此拒绝了西班牙的外交请求,甚至不允许该国官员前往监狱探望他。 Some time later they admitted that he had indeed been detained but pointed out that they considered him to be a national of Equatorial Guinea and not of Spain and for that reason rejected Spain's diplomatic requests and did not even allow its officials to visit him in prison MultiUn
另一类似事例是,几家美国最具影响力的科技公司,包括一向极力反对美国政府窃听活动的一些业者,即将派他们的首席执行官到西雅图会见鲁炜,即中国主管互联网、负责网络审查及“防火长城”的最高官员。 Similarly, some of the most powerful technology companies in the US, including those who have been vigorous opponents of American surveillance practices, are dispatching their CEOs to a Seattle meeting with Lu Wei, China’s senior Internet czar, who who oversees the “Great Firewall” of censorship inside China. hrw.org
据有关官员称,德洛特和图什公司的胜出是因为其标价较低。 According to officials involved in the process, Deloitte & Touche won because of its lower cost bid. UN-2
我们委员会富有成效的讨论是对第二届会议开幕会议时联合国最高层官员即大会主席、秘书长和经济及社会理事会主席以及上述主要相关机构的高层官员给予这一进程的鼓励的适当集体回应。 The fruitful discussions of our Committee are a fitting collective response to the encouragement given to this process during the opening meeting of the second session by the most senior officials of the United Nations, the President of the General Assembly, the Secretary-General and the President of the Economic and Social Council, as well as by senior officials from the major institutional stakeholders mentioned above MultiUn
常设理事会:如可能,将考虑安排参加国的执法官员与在该领域有相关经验的欧安组织专家定期举行会议,交流最佳做法以及促进合作的方法。 Permanent Council: Will consider arranging regular meetings of law enforcement officials of participating States and, where applicable, of OSCE experts with relevant experience in the field to exchange best practices and ways of improving co-operation. UN-2
自 # 年以来,粮农组织已在巴西主办了几次社会经济和性别分析讲习班,对象是公共机构和当地非政府组织的技术官员和规划人员。 Since # a number of socio-economic and gender analysis workshops were organized by FAO in Brazil, targeting technical officers and planners from public institutions and local non-governmental organizations MultiUn
针对国家政府、地方政府、市政当局和市议会的高级和中级官员提供咨询服务、举办国家和次区域讲习班和讨论会、区域专家组会议和大会可被认为是有效的交付机制。 Advisory missions, national and subregional workshops and seminars, regional expert group meetings and conferences targeting senior and mid-level officials in national governments, local governments, municipalities and city councils can be considered an effective delivery mechanism. UN-2
ortin先生(联合国贸易和发展会议负责官员)介绍了秘书长关于国际贸易与发展的报告( # )和关于世界商品趋势和前景的报告( # ),并对方案 # “贸易与发展”的拟议战略框架做出了评论。 Mr. Fortin (Officer-in-Charge of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) introduced the reports of the Secretary-General on international trade and development ( # ) and on world commodity trends and prospects ( # ), and commented on the proposed strategic framework for Programme # rade and development MultiUn
缔约国接受其管辖权的国际法庭的任职法官或官员的本公约第(......)条所指行为[国家公职人员的被动腐败]定为刑事犯罪。” Each State Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences conduct referred to in article (...) of this Convention [passive corruption of a national public official], involving an international civil servant, a member of a parliamentary assembly of an international organization of which the State Party is a member or holders of judicial office or officials of an international court whose jurisdiction is accepted by the State Party.” MultiUn
我国政府感谢两法庭主要负责官员及其工作人员迄今对促进完成工作所作出的努力,但我们强调指出,至关重要的是,两法庭继续尽一切努力,以对所有被告进行公平审判的方式,包括通过探索和实施提高效率的进一步措施,尽量减少进一步的拖延。 My Government acknowledges the efforts which have been made so far by the principals of the Tribunals and their staff to facilitate completion, but we emphasize that it is vital that both Tribunals continue to do everything possible to minimize further delays in a manner consistent with delivering fair trials for all the accused, including by exploring and implementing further efficiency measures (责任编辑:) |