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Therapeutic patient education

时间:2024-11-08 02:03来源: 作者:admin 点击: 30 次
Therapeutic patient education is a structured, person-centred learning process that supports individuals living with chronic conditions to self-manage

Therapeutic patient education is a structured, person-centred learning process that supports individuals living with chronic conditions to self-manage their own health by drawing on their own resources, supported by their carers and families. It brings together several interventions and is considered part of the broader family of self-management support interventions.

Therapeutic patient education is carried out by trained health professionals, is adapted to the patient and their condition, and continues over the patient’s lifetime. As an integral part of treatment for chronic conditions, it can lead to better health outcomes and improved quality of life while making the best use of health-care services and other resources.

WHO supports policy-makers and health professionals to provide better access to effective therapeutic patient education, specifically those responsible for designing, delivering or commissioning therapeutic patient education services for people living with chronic conditions and training programmes for health professionals. All patients who are living with chronic conditions can benefit from this approach.

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