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First Stage Second Stage
Type Terminology Affiliation The Borderlands 'Games' are instances constantly appearing around The Borderlands where players can enter to compete for visas in order to stay alive as well as a playing card. They vary in types and difficulty, and are notoriously deadly towards players.Contents
Registration[] Most buildings are, under normal circumstances, without power in the Borderlands. When night falls, however, buildings designated to be the site of games will become powered and light up, in order to notify and draw players towards the games. Oftenly, the electricity is also used to power infrastructure for the game (e.g. In the 4 of Spades "Runaway", the tunnel is lit up by the power supply.) When each game concludes, the power supply is deactivated and the building returns to its regular blackout state. A player is "registered" to be a participant in the game once they pass a threshold into the game venue marked by a laser grid. The laser grid detects and allows entry, but prevents players from exiting/"de-registering" - once entered, players cannot leave the game until it is completed. Should any player choose to leave, they will be terminated by an orbital laser, the same type as those used to terminate players with expired visas. Games tend to provide phones, labelled “One per person”. Face recognition is required, and registers the player to be participating, thus allowing the system to extend their visas if they successfully win the game. Other game-relevant information - rules, difficulty, timers, etc. - will also be displayed. Certain games may also provide a range of tools specific to the game (e.g. The 5 of Spades "Tag" gives hunters a horse mask and a submachine gun in the Netflix adaptation), and some may require participants to put on special accessories that are used during the game, as well as execution for losing (e.g. The 7 of Hearts "Hide and Seek" requires players to put on a headset to register their status as a wolf, as well as terminate the other players who lose). Stages[] First Stage[]Main article: First Stage During the first stage, the games start at evening (6:00PM). By 12AM it is considered the end of a day, and all of the players' visas will be deducted. At this time, if a player does not have any remaining visa days, they will be terminated by lasers. Citizens have no role during this time other than observation, but are free to join the players in games. The group that moves onto the Second Stage is determined in this phase; if players beat all forty pip cards, all Dealers are disposed of, but if Dealers kill all the players, then they move on. Interval[]During the Interval stage, all games are halted for two days in preparation of the Second Stage. Visas are also frozen during this time. Second Stage[]Main article: Second Stage During the second stage, the citizens of The Borderlands will be competing against the players. All twelve games start at noon, and do not close until players clear the game. Once all players clear all face-card games, they are given a right to stay in The Borderlands as citizens or to leave The Borderlands once and for all. Cards[]The number in the card of a game indicates how difficult the game is. Suit Meaning♠ Spades Physical - Games of physical endurance, strength, and agility ♦ Diamonds Intelligence - Games of intelligence, strategy, and wits ♥ Hearts Psychology - Games of psychology, trust, and betrayal ♣ Clubs Balance - Games that balance all three concepts with an element of teamwork List of Games[] Numbered Cards[] Card Manga Netflix Short Description Face Cards[] Card Manga Netflix Short Description Trivia[] Navigation[] Games Clubs [♣] Spades [♠] Diamonds [♦] Hearts [♥] Others [⚂] Unknown Cards · Unknown Venues (责任编辑:) |