>World population hits 8 billion 全球人口达到80亿

Passengers fill up platforms in Colombo, Sri Lanka, during rush hour on Monday. THILINA KALUTHOTAGE/NURPHOTO/SHUTTERSTOCK
The global population reached 8 billion on Nov 15, 2022. The number is forecast to increase in the next few decades, although at a slower pace, according to the World Population Prospects 2022 report released recently by the United Nations. 根据联合国近期发布的《世界人口展望2022》报告,2022年11月15日,全球人口总数达到80亿,这一数字在未来几十年内将持续增长,但增速预计放缓。
The global population is expected to rise to about 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion by 2050, peak at about 10.4 billion in the 2080s, and stay there until 2100, the report said. 报告说,到2030年,全球人口预计将增至约85亿左右。2050年达到97亿,本世纪80年代达到约104亿的峰值,并一直持续至2100年。
World population growth peaked at 2.1 percent between 1962 and 1965, and has since fallen sharply to less than 1 percent in 2020. 1962至1965年,世界人口年增长达到2.1%的峰值。此后急剧下降到2020年的 1%以下。
The UN predicts that global population growth could fall to about 0.5 percent by 2050 as fertility rates continue to fall. 联合国预测,欧博allbet由于生育率持续下降,到2050年,全球人口年增长率可能会下降到0.5%左右。
On the other hand, the average global life expectancy continues to rise, from 63.8 years in 1990 to 72.8 years in 2019, and is projected to reach 77.2 years in 2050, when 16 percent of the population will be 65 years or older. 另一方面,全球平均预期寿命持续增加,从1990年的63.8岁上升至2019年的72.8岁,到2050年预计达到77.2岁。届时,65岁以上人口占总人口比例接达16%。
Rising life expectancy combined with falling fertility rates will exacerbate global aging, lifting demand for elderly care and affecting labor markets and national pension systems. 预期寿命增加,加上生育率下降,将加剧全球人口老龄化,老年人护理需求增加,这将影响劳动力市场和国家养老金体系
Currently, China and India are the most populated countries in the world, with 1.4 billion people each. 目前,中国和印度各有超过14亿的人口,是世界上人口最多的国家。
But based on UN projections, India will surpass China for the first time in 2023 and reach 1.7 billion people by 2050. 但根据联合国的预测,印度将在2023年首次超过中国,并在2050年达到17亿。
More than half of the projected increase in the global population up to 2050 will be concentrated in eight countries: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines and the United Republic of Tanzania. 预计到2050年,全球新增人口中超过一半将集中在刚果(金)、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、印度、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦、菲律宾和坦桑尼亚8个国家。
>Rare elephant twins born at Syracuse zoo 罕见大象双胞胎在美国雪城动物园出生

Twin Asian elephant calves were born at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, New York, in what the zoo is calling a “miracle.” 一对亚洲小象双胞胎在纽约州锡拉丘兹(又名雪城)的罗萨蒙德•吉福德动物园诞生了,动物园称这是一个“奇迹”。
The two big bundles of joy were born on Oct 24 to parents Mali and Doc, and are both doing well. 这两个象宝宝出生在10月24日这一天,他们的父母是叫马里和多克的大象。他们现在都很健康。
“This is truly a historic moment for the zoo and our community,” Onondaga County executive Ryan McMahon said in a press release. “I couldn’t be prouder of our exceptional animal care team, the support of the veterinary staff and their tremendous dedication to Mali and the twins.” 奥内达加县行政长官莱恩•麦克马洪在新闻稿中说:“这对动物园和我们社区而言,真的都是一个历史性的时刻。我为我们出色的动物护理团队、兽医工作人员的支持以及他们对马里和双胞胎的巨大奉献感到无比骄傲。”
The birth of the twins apparently came as a huge surprise to the animal care staff, due to the “sheer improbability” of twin elephant births as well as the “complexity of elephant ultrasounds,” the zoo said. 动物园表示,由于双胞胎大象的出生是“完全不可能”以及“大象超声波的复杂性”,这对双胞胎的出生显然让动物护理人员非常惊讶。
Ten hours after Mali’s first male calf was born, weighing in at 220 pounds, a second male calf arrived, weighing 237 pounds. 马里第一头重达220磅的象宝宝出生10个小时后,第二头重达237磅的象宝宝也出生了。
The zoo’s animal care team has been “monitoring the twins around the clock” for the past two weeks to “ensure both are thriving.” 动物园的动物护理团队在过去的两周一直“24小时看护这对双胞胎”,以“确保它们都茁壮成长”。
Less than 1% of elephant births worldwide are twins, the zoo said, and when twins do occur, the calves are often stillborn or do not survive long after birth. 动物园表示,世界上出生的大象中只有不到1%是双胞胎。即使出现双胞胎,小象也往往是死胎,或者在出生后活不了多久。
“To date, there has never been a recorded case of surviving elephant twins in the United States,” the zoo said. “The few successful twin births have only taken place in their range countries in Asia and Africa, and nowhere else in the world.” 动物园说:“到目前为止,在美国还没有一例大象双胞胎存活下来的记录。只有一些亚洲和非洲的国家,有少数成功出生的双胞胎象宝宝。世界上其他地方也没有大象双胞胎的出生。”
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