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‎Mobile Legends: Bang Bang on the App Store

时间:2024-08-30 00:13来源: 作者:admin 点击: 59 次
Join your friends in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, the brand new 5v5 MOBA showdown, and fight against real players! Choose your favorite heroes and build


The game is good, but the problem is..

So.. first of all, the game is pretty fun and good! And easy for getting rid of boredom. But the problem is toxic players and community, and I think changing our names for free will be good too because changing the name card is so expensive! And about the players, some players are VERY toxic. And some players have they’re profile as dirty stuff (what our parents do when our mom gave birth to us) if you know what I mean, and it creeps me out, some children are here playing this game. They can’t see those kind of stuffs, and for the toxic players, when they killed someone. They be typing in the chat like “haha you’re going to get clapped” or “you’re team is useless” and for the teammates, they didn’t even check the map nor care about some teammates, They’re just in they’re own world! And then when they didn’t check the map but I was protecting the hp so I died multiple times for saving them, but the toxic players said I’m useless! Like hello?? Excuse me? I’m protecting the hp! (Hp means hyper if you don’t know, hyper eats buffs and stuff like that) and some are just blind or something, they’re just standing in the bush while teammates are battling in front of them and when all the teammates died, that one teammate always solos the whole team of the enemy! Sooo annoying.. that made me want to quit Mobile Legends Bang Bang, and probably annoying for other players too. I hope you can find a way to fix that! Thank you for reading.

...!????!!!!! , 05/20/2024

Fun game but negative players

This is a fun game to play, I have fun playing alone and with friends, too. However, there are lots of negative players, they used words like “useless”, “dvmba$$” etc. Some of them would say “report (heroes’ name)”. It’s really stress to play with teammates like this, so this game don’t really have a good community. I know this is not a game’s problem, but players’ problem, but still, it makes the game less fun. I have never cursed anyone in this game despite how bad they cursed me, but really, sometimes I feel so bad and want to just stand up for myself, why are players in this game this bad? I don’t know if report them will help, but I hope they stop going around and curse anyone that plays bad in their eyes. I played Floryn, and somehow they said that hero useless and not cause any damage? Isn’t it a heal hero? Since when did roam or support needs damage? I have no clue what happened with players in this game. And of course not just Floryn, whether you play other heroes, they will still say those words to a hero that they think “useless” in their opinion. I don’t know how to fix this kind of problem in this game, but I hope you find a way that help players stop stressing people. Not all of them are, but most of them. So, the game is fun, but the communication is terrible. Still rated 5 stars since I have fun. Please do something to fix this, thank you. I appreciate it if you read this and think about it.

toad12345678901235 , 11/01/2021


I love this game. Been playing for a really long time. I think the game gets really boring so they should add more game modes. The only modes that are big are classic, rank, and brawl. The other modes are trash and they should put more work into them. The main game is really good though. This game has no ads for other games, usually just for skins in their own game. There is a way to get heroes in the game for free but it takes a while. They should make it easier to get heroes but they also need money. There are skins in the game that I would recommend buying if you want to and only if YOU CAN AFFORD IT. The skins do give you a very small buff, but they look really cool. If you get a bunch of your friends with you to play the game, you both get some rewards and they can have a fun time with you. If your friends and you all get skins and party up, you will look super intimidating to the opponent. My best tip for this game is to focus on mastering one character for a while then going to another character. Just saying they might revamp or redo a character that you already mastered so you might want to pay them again. If you left, they keep in adding updates to the game and you should come back and check them out. BTW I’m not a developer that is just boosting the game for more people to join. These are my true feelings for the game. Go out and get to the field, Soldier!!!

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