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时间:2024-08-28 07:52来源: 作者:admin 点击: 46 次
8月19日,《黑神话:悟空》制作人冯骥在接受新华社采访时,也透露出游戏中的一些名词海外翻译采用的是拼音,如“悟空”没有翻译成“Monkey King”,而是直接翻译为“Wukong”,因为它“足够好听,而且…


blockbuster表示非常成功的电影/书/游戏;一鸣惊人的事物,主要用于新闻或口语当中。用来形容这个游戏再恰当不过了。再比如:a Hollywood blockbuster好莱坞大片

标题中的an instant global hit(在全球迅速爆火的游戏),就是对比过爆款的影视剧的报道中很常用。

Hit在很多情况下用在名词前作形容词定语,表示“很火的事”,如a hit game(很多的游戏),或a hit song(很多的歌)。它也可以直接作名词,表示相同的意思:非常成功/流行的某事。


Black Myth Wukong providesan in-depth lookat the highly anticipated action game developed by Game Science. The game is a retelling of the classic literature Journey to the West, and it takes players on an epic adventure as the monkey warrior, Wukong. Withstunning graphics, immersive world-building, and intricate combat mechanics, Black Myth Wukongoffers a unique and exhilarating gaming experience.


- 首款国产单机Steam在线突破百万

- 预购拿下当期全球第一名:销售额近4亿,销量达到了120万份

- 超过经典游戏《埃尔登法环》、《赛博朋克 2077》,Steam平台历史同时在线人数最多的游戏中排名第4……

这款游戏以《西游记》为创作蓝本,玩家在里面扮演一名“天命人”(the destined one),踏上一条充满危险与惊奇的西游之路。游戏里面也包含了大量的中国元素,比如传统建筑、文物古籍以及历史传说等。海外游戏媒体对这款游戏有这样的评价:A Compelling Journey Into Chinese Tradition(引人入胜的中国传统文化之旅)

On August 20, China's first AAA game, "Black Myth: Wukong," was officially released and quickly became a top seller across multiple platforms, sparking global discussions.

The gaming world is abuzz with excitement after the highly anticipated action role-playing game (ARPG) "Black Myth: Wukong" was released at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday.

As of 11:40 a.m. on Tuesday, the video game which is inspired by the 16th-century Chinese classic "Journey to the West"topped the hot play charton Steam, a global digital distribution platform for video games, with over 1.2 million concurrent players worldwide.

The game's trailers and gameplay demos have garnered over 100 million views on Bilibili, China's equivalent of YouTube, and over 10 million views on YouTube. According to SteamDB, a third-party Steam database website,Black Mythcurrently holds the top spot on the global sales chart.


The gamedraws inspiration from the famous Chinese novelwhich follows the adventures of a monk and his three disciples, centering on Sun Wukong, or the Monkey King, who is known for his supernatural abilities and mischievous nature.The influence of "Journey to the West" extends across China and beyond, especially East Asia. The story has been adapted into operas, TV series, films, and now a video game.

在国外,X平台(原推特)话题#BlackMythWukong 也登上多国热搜榜,Steam官方更是罕见地专为《黑神话:悟空》发布推文,宣布游戏正式上线。
















While the game's massive popularity in China can partly be attributed to national familiarity withJourney to the West, the fact that it has captivated international audiences - many of whom lack this cultural background - suggests thatBlack Mythis on the right path.

Many overseas players have been inspired by the game to start reading the original bookJourney to the West. Fans ofBlack Mythhave even started posting videos online, sharing their understanding of Chinese mythology and theJourney to the Weststory.

While the game's massive popularity in China can partly be attributed to national familiarity withJourney to the West, the fact that it has captivated international audiences - many of whom lack this cultural background - suggests thatBlack Mythis on the right path.

Many overseas players have been inspired by the game to start reading the original bookJourney to the West. Fans ofBlack Mythhave even started posting videos online, sharing their understanding of Chinese mythology and theJourney to the Weststory.


英文名是Black Myth: Wukong,把“悟空”直译为Wukong,而不是Monkey King,更能体角色的中国特色,保留中国传统文化元素。

Black Myth 而不是 Dark Myth。dark有恶化、变黑的意味,black单纯黑暗。

“妖怪”被翻译为了“Yaoguai”,而“黑熊精”则被翻译为了“Black Bear Guai”。


8月19日,《黑神话:悟空》制作人冯骥在接受新华社采访时,也透露出游戏中的一些名词海外翻译采用的是拼音,如“悟空”没有翻译成“Monkey King”,而是直接翻译为“Wukong”,因为它“足够好听,而且足够清楚”。而悟空使用的兵器金箍棒也没有翻译成“镀金的长棍子”,而是直接用拼音Jin Gu Bang

游戏第一章的很多boss译名也体现了这一特点。比如广智灵虚子这两个西游记里面的角色直接译为Guangzhi以及Lingxuzi。另一个角色波里个浪则翻译为:Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang,这种译法专业上称为phonetic representation,有点类似中国人用“注土音”来学英语单词。

比如一些老外会用Nee haoww来代替“你好”的发音,用Nee chrr luh mah来代替“你吃了吗”,用Dzaoww-shung haoww来代替“早上好”。这种方法的好处是不用专门学拼音就能发出类似的声音。“波里个浪”译为Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang也能让老外感受到这个名称发音上的节奏感。

幽魂译为Wandering Wight,其中wandering意思是“流浪的”,wight指的是“鬼怪”。这里为什么不翻译为Wandering Ghost呢?这是因为ghost在英语里面通常指的是没有形状、悬浮在空中的幽灵,而wight的形象更加接近“骷髅怪”。因此Wandering Wight是一个更加准确的译名。

游戏里面还出现了“黑风大王”和“黑熊怪”两个角色,其中黑风大王意译为Black Wind King,而黑熊怪则翻译为Black Bear Guai。制作方直接将“怪”翻译为Guai而不是Monster,这是因为中国文化里面的“妖怪”和西方的monster存在一些区别,值得重新创造一个名词来定义中国的“妖怪”。

类似的例子还有游戏的隐藏角色赤髯龙,官方将其翻译为The Red Loong,而不是The Red Dragon。这是因为中西方对“龙”的概念理解不同。西方龙通常口吐烈焰,巨翅长鳞,形象比较负面,而中国龙是“马头+鹰爪+鱼鳞+鹿角+蛇身+没有翅膀”的形象,通常带有正面含义,因此可以用loong来定义“中国龙”。

国内一些官方媒体也将龙年译为the year of the Loong”,这样可以把“中国龙”这一概念更好地推广出去。


天命人 Wukong/The Destined One

土地公 Tudigong

火刀狼 Fire Blade Wolverine

毒敌大王 Lord Venatagon

赤尻马猴 Macaque Chief

虎先锋 Tiger Vanguard

晦月魔君 Blood Moon General

亢金龙 Kangjin Loong

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