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欧博官网Baltimore City Needle Exchange Program (NEP) (

时间:2025-02-13 17:36来源: 作者:admin 点击: 1 次
CHARMcare details for Baltimore City Needle Exchange Program (NEP) (Se Habla Español) including contact information, location, and hours of operation.

Baltimore City Needle Exchange Program (NEP) works to reduce HIV, Hepatitis C, and other infections by providing clean syringes and reducing the circulation of unclean syringes. Clients can receive counseling about drug treatment programs and education regarding HIV, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases. They provide referrals to resources and treatment programs as well. They are also offering free showers, clothes, toiletries throughout the week. They also offer training for Naloxone and Narcan usage. If you need any of these services, you can visit the NEP mobile van at any of their locations listed below. You can also click here to view the most up to date distribution schedule or check out their website here.

El programa de intercambio de agujas de la ciudad de Baltimore trabaja para reducir el VIH, la hepatitis C y otras infecciones al proporcionar jeringas limpias y reducir la circulación de jeringas impuras. NEP también ofrece consultas y pruebas de VIH gratuitas y confidenciales, así como pruebas de detección de hepatitis C y sífilis.

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