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欧博娱乐Whelan, Paul – CUHK Business School

时间:2024-09-24 18:13来源: 作者:admin 点击: 9 次
Professor Paul Whelan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Finance. Before joining CUHK in 2023, he was an Associate Professor of Finance at

Professor Paul Whelan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Finance. Before joining CUHK in 2023, he was an Associate Professor of Finance at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS). He received his PhD degree in Financial Economics from Imperial College London.

Prof. Whelan’s papers have been published in the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies, and Management Science, and has won several awards for his research.

Teaching Areas

Financial Economics
Financial Mathematics
Asset Pricing
Derivative Markets

Research Interests

Prof. Whelan’s research focuses on two distinct subfields:

Asset pricing and belief formation

Market microstructure

Published Papers

Paul Whelan, Ingomar Krohn and Philippe Mueller, “Foreign Exchange Returns and Fixings Around the Clock,” Journal of Finance, forthcoming.

Paul Whelan, Nina Boyarchenko and Lars Larsen (2022), “The Overnight Drift,” Review of Financial Studies.

Paul Whelan, Andrea Buraschi and Ilaria Piatti (2021), “Subjective Bond Returns and Belief Aggregation,” Review of Financial Studies.

Paul Whelan, Matteo Leombroni, Andrea Vedolin and Gyuri Venter (2021), “Central Bank Communication and the Yield Curve,” Journal of Financial Economics.

Paul Whelan and Andrea Buraschi (2020), “Speculation, Sentiment, and Interest Rates,” Management Science.

Paul Whelan and Andrea Buraschi (2016), “Bond Markets and Conventional Monetary Policy,” ‘Handbook of Fixed Income’ edited by Pietro Veronesi.

Paul Whelan and Andrea Buraschi (2016), Bond Markets and Unconventional Monetary Policy,” ‘Handbook of Fixed Income’ edited by Pietro Veronesi.

Working Papers

Paul Whelan, Daniel Pesch and Ilaria Piatti, “Subjective Risk Premia in Bond and FX Markets”

Paul Whelan and Carsten Sørensen, “Money as Options”

Paul Whelan, Nina Boyarchenko, Lars Larsen and Gyuri Venter, “Demand Shock Asymmetry”

INQUIRE Europe Grant: Central Bank Shocks, 2022.

Canadian Derivatives Institute Annual Research Grant: Foreign Exchange Returns and Fixings Around the Clocks

Danish Research Council DFF-grant 1: principle early stage researcher, 2018.

Danish Research Council DFF-grant 1: early stage researcher joint with Gyuri Venter, 2018.

SFS Asian Cavalcade Beijing Best Paper Award: Subjective Bond Returns and Belief Aggrega-tion, 2017.

CICF Xiamen Best Paper Award: Subjective Bond Returns and Belief Aggregation, 2016.

Best PhD Thesis Imperial College London, 2015.

GARP Risk Management Research Award, 2013.

Winner Q-Group Grant Award: Speculation, Sentiment, and Interest Rates, 2012.

AFA Doctoral Student Travel Grant, 2012.

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