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时间:2024-06-01 00:27来源: 作者:admin 点击: 114 次
Xiamen University General Alumni Association was established in Changting on May 6th,1940. “The mission of the association is to integrate talents cul

Xiamen University General Alumni Association was established in Changting on May 6th,1940. “The mission of the association is to integrate talents cultivated by Xiamen University and to reach out to elites other than alumni to do our best for the country and the society.” said Sabendong, the then president of Xiamen University. Upon establishment, the association soon inspired Xiamen University alumni at home and abroad to set up branches to exchange with and support the Alma Mater. Later in the early 1970s, it became an official organization authorized and enrolled by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Supported by XMU party and government leaders as well as alumni at home and abroad, our alumni work has achieved remarkable results for three decades, with alumni branches flourishing all around the world. 

The duty of the general association covers the following three aspects: to carry forward fine tradition and studying climate of Xiamen University and to enhance cohesion among XMU alumni through extensive contact with them and diverse fellowship activities based on college and local branches of the association; to promote our alumni’s understanding of the Alma Mater by vigorously publicizing her latest development, thus promoting exchanges and cooperation in scientific research; to serve XMU alumni and encourage them to achieve more in their careers.

On December 20th, 2004, the secretariat of Xiamen University General Alumni Association was set up as a special organ to boost alumni work. 


Aim To strengthen the emotional tie and promote exchange among XMU alumni to seek common development; to carry forward fine traditions of the Alma Mater to foster a good image for her; to contribute to the XMU and China’s development. 


1. To keep contact with XMU alumni: to set up an alumni information bank which is supposed to be updated at any time; to organize various activities to build a close tie with our alumni and enhance the university’s centripetal force and cohesion. 

2. To serve the alumni: to care for our alumni’s work, study and daily life and give strong backing to their career development. 

3. To foster a positive image for XMU: to publicize the university’s latest achievements in teaching, scientific research and other aspects to make our alumni feel proud, thus inspiring their passion for our university’s development. 

4. To utilize and expand alumni resources: to encourage our alumni to contribute more to the Alma Mater in discipline construction, academic exchange, industrial development, brain gain, donation for financial aid and graduate employment, etc. 

5. To operate relevant media including Xiamen University Alumni Communication, the WeChat subscription account “XMUer” as well as website and sina weibo of the Xiamen University General Alumni Association.

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