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Xbox Game Pass: All Games Coming Soon In November

时间:2024-10-31 23:51来源: 作者:admin 点击: 52 次
Including some MAJOR day one additions! - Looking for a complete list of games coming to Xbox Game Pass in November 2024? It can be pretty difficult t

@VisitingComet1 this one has a career mode. The flights are more mission based (crop dusting, sea rescues, etc.) and has an economic sim aspect where you build up your business with a fleet of planes, helicopters' etc.

The previous one was a mostly just flying around. It was kind of up to you to make your own fun. Flying over your own house or landmarks, chasing actual storms in real time from their usage of real life weather data, stuff like that. I believe the new one will also use real world satellite and weather data but have more objective based gameplay.

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