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时间:2024-10-18 05:21来源: 作者:admin 点击: 0 次
Hello , I'm Ninichi & I'm a freelance game music composer. I've worked on the soundtracks for various indie games & can compose music in a v



, I'm Ninichi & I'm a freelance game music composer. I've worked on the soundtracks for various indie games & can compose music in a very wide range of styles. I’m told that I’m incredibly versatile so do get in touch to explore working together. It would be great to learn more about your project & explore things further!

You can visit my website: Ninichimusic.com, to get a better sense of me, my music, my credit list, testimonials etc.

Here's a quick link to my game music page: ninichimusic.com/game-music

For royalty-free music see: ninichimusic.com/royalty-free-music

I’m also a great supporter of indie projects and would love to hear about yours and to explore whether I can help you and be a part of it.



'Ninichi has a deep understanding of game music production. She has a real talent & I couldn't be more happy with the work she has done for me'
- Robert White | Creator of Shakey's Escape & Owner of Smashing Pixels Game Studio

'Ninichi was a pleasure to work with. The tracks she composed are beautiful & fit the game perfectly. Our team love them & often listen to them whilst working!'
- Thomas Hanley | Lead Game Developer at Owl Sanctuary Studios


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