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欧博allbetBack to Craiglang as Still Game returns in

时间:2024-08-19 23:15来源: 作者:admin 点击: 55 次
The popular series about a group of pensioners ran for nine TV series and sold out live productions at the OVO Hydro.

The UK's deputy ambassador to Israel Daniela Grudsky and Culture Secretary Angus Robertson

Scottish government suspends meetings with Israel

Minister Angus Robertson had faced criticism over talks with the deputy ambassador to the UK.

47 mins agoScotland Politics

1 hr ago

Russell Findlay

Tory leadership hopeful calls for answers over contest claims

Russell Findlay says a week of internal disputes had shown the Scottish Conservatives in a "bad light".

1 hr agoScotland Politics

3 hrs ago

rain in Glencoe

Warning of heavy rain across Scotland from Hurricane Ernesto

Some higher areas could see a month's average rainfall fall in 24 hours.

3 hrs agoScotland

6 hrs ago

Mark Simmons talking

Comedian Mark Simmons tells this year's Edinburgh Fringe funniest joke

A witty pun about a sailing trip has been named the funniest joke at this year's Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

6 hrs agoEdinburgh, Fife & East

6 hrs ago

John Mason

SNP MSP John Mason stands by comment on Israel

The outspoken backbench MSP has been urged by a minister to "educate himself" about the Gaza conflict.

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