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欧博娱乐Urban Dictionary: Game

时间:2024-07-05 18:56来源: 作者:admin 点击: 60 次
It's CONFIDENTLY using your attributes, characteristics, and overall personality to win the affection of the woman you want. You can't have

It's CONFIDENTLY using your attributes, characteristics, and overall personality to win the affection of the woman you want. You can't have game if you don't know yourself; you can't be confident in what you're ignorant of.

Game is playing the cards you're dealt and WINNING; turning your positives into swagger (not 'swag') and your negatives into charm.

Symps would have you believe that 'game' means blindly acquiescing to a woman's whims and going along to get along with an ulterior motive in mind (usually sex). Those are just cons and fakes who prey on insecure, attention whores because they believe a quality woman would NEVER appreciate the man he REALLY is. They lack game, so if they assume this about themselves, they are ultimately right.

Sometimes the cards in your deck are insufficient, you didn't exude the right amount of confidence, or maybe you were TOO confident and it came off as arrogance. When that happens, you just charge it to the game, learn from it, and keep it moving.

An expert of game can pull any woman he wants, but that doesn't mean he can pull EVERY woman. See, a person with game can read a woman before even talking to her; he knows if the woman he's scoping would dig his rap or not and an expert of game doesn't want a woman that wouldn't want him, so his success rate is much higher. When you've gotten to this level, you're a MACK.

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