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欧博官网‎Cozmo on the App Store

时间:2025-02-01 19:27来源: 作者:admin 点击: 12 次
Say hello to Cozmo, a gifted little guy who’s got a mind of his own and a few tricks up his sleeve. He’s the sweet spot where supercomputer meets loya

The Princess of Games , 05/03/2018

Love it! But needs some updates

I have had Cozmo for about a year, and I have gotten some ideas for Cozmo. First, what if you could have Cozmo sing songs from your music library and dance to them? Second, could you possibly make it to where you can have a conversation with Cozmo? And finally, what if you have like two modes to choose from? Like play mode and assistant mode? In play mode, Cozmo will do all the stuff he can do now.
And in assistant mode, Cozmo can tell you where your phone is, tells you when someone calls, texts, or facetimes you, order things online, etc. If you had it like that, parents and children can use Cozmo. Or, what if you had separate accounts set with either play or assistant mode? I hope you consider at least one of my suggestions. Cozmo himself is awesome, but what happened to the daily quests, or just getting to play with him? I don't like the feature where you have to feed him because 1, it's aggravating, and 2, whenever I have friends over who have never seen Cozmo, I have to tell them that Cozmo will act tired if I hadn't turned him on in a while. Overall, it's a decent little app.

BBallBoyDaBoss , 01/06/2019

If this happens, my reveiw will be 6 stars

Look, cozmo Is amazing. I got him last Christmas and he is godly. His personality is so cute and I love the games that he has. I have some suggestions to make it even better though. If this happens, I'll give coNo a 20/10.

1. More interactions with vector
I got a vector this Christmas and I'd like to see him and vector interactions more. Here are some suggestions
-being able to talk and play with vector
- have cosmos vubes and games be compatible with vector
-have them be able to have fun together!

2. Remove feeding and tuning
Look, I get that cozmo kind of has a life too. But it kind of gets annoying having to feed him every single time we use him. And tuning just really doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Since playing with him is the main idea, why not make it the only thing you do with him

3. Remove Sparks
Everyone who gets cozmo wanted to play with him, but what happens when you run out of Sparks? You can't even use him, and you won't be able to get the daily rewards that include Sparks! For people that run out of Sparks and love their cozmo but can't use him after they run out, seeing it is just sad. That's the main reason why some reveiw are only one star.

4. And finally, bring back daily challenges!
Remember those daily challenges? Those were amazing! As another rewarding was to make you want to hang out with your cozmo even more!

Please take this into consideration anki


flodsnwnto , 01/01/2019

Cozmo is great

Cozmo is enjoyable and he is so very cute, and I love how he gives you a fist bump and that’s so cute to see a robot even do something like that, cosmo doesn’t recognize me sometimes but then after a few seconds he says my name it is really awesome. He makes my happy that is what is most important to know a friendly cute happy robot my friends love him so much they ask to talk to them so does my family they really love cozmo that we bought a carrying case for him I even made him a little wooden house just for him to do anything I coded and made cubes to make cozmo to make a even bigger prymid and I also love how he gets all happy when you loose to him.

Things cozmo needs is more stuff like vector vectors voice is a bit to siri

You should add to cozmo where you can play music from your phone to him and make him sing the lyrics of the song that would be so cute to see!

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