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欧博‎BBC: World News & Stories on the App S

时间:2025-01-12 03:40来源: 作者:admin 点击: 18 次
THE BBC APP: News, stories, videos and live coverage from our trusted global network of journalists. BBC STORIES: The latest, breaking news headlines

Botchybear , 05/01/2018

Very pessimistic

This app focuses mostly on the distressing news throughout the world. It repeats it ad nauseum. There is so much news out there, it would be good for this app to broaden its horizons. It gives a bit of news from the most "noisy" places (repeatedly), but fails miserably in wider coverage. If it's not bad news, this app doesn't cover it. Except of course for the little Royals. Now that's cute. The main problem that I have with it is that if you want to read one of the stories and you happen to be way down in the column on the story, when you finish reading it and go back to the column it puts you all the way back up to the top of the column instead of where you were. That is extremely frustrating have to go all the way back down to the bottom of the column where you were!!!

xjauhdngneloahxb , 12/04/2024

Used to be great.

Bad user experience now. Popups like “login” or adds detract from reading news. Some articles impose a new scroll dynamic, where there is higher resistance/dampening and the scroll slows down to a halt much faster. If all of iOS scrolls at the same speed, we get used to it. This app should not feel like it has the right to scroll differently. All of these add to experiences that make you realize you don’t like the app instead of integrating the user seamlessly to the app’s content. I’ve tried it again after uninstalling it a year ago after the layout changes, popups, and scrolling irked me and it’s still the same. Be predictable and let us interface with your content. Stop imposing your own way to use our devices that’s different from the other 99% of the time we use our devices. You used to be able to open the app, tap a news article, swipe left or right to go to different articles, and be done. Now it’s open app, decline to log in, pick an article, close the ad, wait for the page to shift around as a webpage is opened within the app and styling changes, now you can scroll, now you recognize it scrolls weird…and now I’m ranting. This used to be my only news app and now have to move to others, and I still haven’t found a better one than what this was a few years ago. :(

PentheaC , 11/13/2023

Once great app now virtually useless to me

This was my favorite news app, before the recent upgrade and I used it several times a day to keep up to date with news on topics and geographic regions that are important to me. Now with the new upgrade, all that personalization had disappeared. The My News feature has gone, so I can’t find news stories on the areas that interest me, there is no customization available and I have to scroll through what the app decides I should see, rather than what I want to read about. I am in the USA and used to enjoy the BBC’s global perspective over the US news channels. But now I am presented with the same news stories as other channels. Also the news presented does not seem to update as quickly as before - there are “main headlines” in several categories that are 2-3 days olds which never used to happen.
The only positive update - hence 2 stars rather than 1 - is that the videos tend to load and play more quickly and consistently. Before they would constantly get hung up on ads or just not play at all.

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