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欧博娱乐‎ARK: Ultimate Mobile Edition on the App St

时间:2025-01-07 18:24来源: 作者:admin 点击: 21 次
***This game requires additional data to play. You will be prompted to download an additional 2GB of data after launching the game.*** Experience eve

Presto 666 , 12/29/2024

Bad saving, crashing and PLEASE FIX THE TEK CAVE

What do you think about when you are fighting a boss but it crashes and then you are kicked out of the game? I have had this happen many times, normal bosses like spiders, dragons, monkeys are fine for me. But I have trained a bunch of dedicated animals to fight the final boss and created a save before entering to prevent crashes, just finished preparing the boss and then crashed. And what is the result, I lost both the animal and the equipment and the game also completely did not let me use the save I had saved before and forced me to continue after being kicked out. This is completely unacceptable, do you know that it took me more than an hour to fight the boss? Moreover, why create strong animals like Gigan and Carcha and then not let me use them to fight the boss. All the most annoying errors of the old Mobile version were not only not fixed but they were even worse. You may say that my device is weak and crashed, but let me be frank, my device is the highest upgrade of the latest version from Apple. And another thing, I went into the tower to switch to the Observers boss, I saved the game and exited, then came back and I was dead. On top of that, after re-entering the cave, my Dinos died too. I didn't even tap the terminal? This is unacceptable for a game.

spino1231231 , 12/23/2024

Love the game but a few bugs

Hi I love what you did with the game but there are some bugs. 1: in the menu option for the maps you can’t access all the settings when you scroll down this occurred after the last updates and now I can’t enable the ability to level speed for flyers. 2: a lot of the loot crates land in the ground making them impossible to access them I would suggest to fix them by making them not drop into rocks or the ground, or option two increase the distance I can access them, in case you can’t do the first option. 3: I’m not sure this is intentional or not but I see no option to sleep in the beds. If you are reading this I would like to know if it is a bug or if it is intentional. And finally I have two ideas that would improve this game One suggestion would be to add a manage save data tab like how the original ARK mobile has. And suggestion two would be for those like myself who own god console to allow us to summon Dino’s from other maps, this is more practical than to upload them and transmit them to a different map. Personally it just make it simpler to summon a wyvern in the island and tame it then to do that in scorched earth and transmit it to the islands. Overall all I love this game and its larger content I always wanted to play the original game on mobile and this game brings that experience. I can’t wait to see how you bring the other maps into this game. Keep up the great work guys you are doing am amazing job

Xardax109 , 12/20/2024

Satisfied but there’s some issues

First of all I’m very happy to finally be able access all the content from the base game as there’s so many features that were missing from the original version. I’ve played for a bit now and most of my complains are from the audio quality which isn’t as good as it can be it’s very quiet and overall doesn’t sound clear. While there’s is frame rate drops here and there overall it runs consistently at 30fps which I’m pretty happy about and overall the experience has been good. Although, I do think being back multi-tap would benifit as the ui is weird. Also allowing the crouching, inventory,attack,/action buttons would be great as well as a hot bar than can be adjusted to have items horizontally near the bottom instead of how it’s two rows stacked on each other. I have seen myself getting stuck when loading back into the game when I’m in my base on occasion and from time to time there will be weird blocky gray particles coming out of dinosaurs while being attacked . Overall great but there’s a few things to be added.

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