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欧博allbetReady Connect for Students on the App Stor

时间:2024-10-17 02:31来源: 作者:admin 点击: 7 次
i-Ready Connect™ for Students is a free app for students who use i-Ready at school. Students can use this app to access i-Ready Assessment and Persona

Maya Papaya <3 , 03/02/2023

Tough work

This is a great app in terms of enjoying reading, math or testing. But for the majority of people who have downloaded this app(or use it in class), hate it! I happen to be one of those people. To begin, the diagnostics are INCREDIBLY hard. Don’t get me wrong, I love to read! However it expects you to read 5 pages of Shakespeare and then listen to a 2 minute audio. Then once you’re done the question will be like, “how does the reader express himself when reading the word ‘tribute’?” who the heck knows that? Then the answers will be “with anger luring inside him because Juliet died” or “sadness because his heart turns into stone” or some other dumb answer. Not to mention the math! “What is the area of angle Y divided by C multiplied by the ray of a rectangle?” like make it make sense? It doesn’t even teach you that in a lesson, so you’re completely unprepared. Let’s not forget that the math lessons take 45 minutes to an hour to complete. The progress bar moves a centimeter once you just finished a 3 step word problem that took you 20 minutes to answer. I’m honestly the most angry that I failed my math and reading diagnostics. I went down by 5 in reading and 8 in math! I thought I tried my best, but I guess it’s not enough for I-Ready scores! If your kid is homeschooled or you just want to buy this app as a learning experience for your child, please spare your child, your time, and your money and don’t download this app. Sincerely, Maya.

Awwwesk , 11/03/2023

Y'all are overreacting

I've read the reviews, and honestly it's surprising how much people hate I-Ready. I mean, I get it, diagnostics aren't too fun, but you people are getting way too overworked by this. First and foremost, THE DIAGNOSTIC IS SUPPOSED TO BE HARD. It's like that for a reason so it can put everyone where they need to be, and "everyone" doesn't mean just young children, since I-Ready is an app for grades 2-8. This means that the harder problems are for the older kids to se where they're at, otherwise they'd be multiplying decimals in 8th grade! And for those arguing about lessons being too hard or taking too long, that's all on you. The reading and math lessons are given to you based on your skill set, hence why the diagnostic is mandatory in the first place, meaning there is no reason you should be constantly failing your own lessons. The same for the length of the lessons, all you have to do is actually be paying attention, since I know first hand each reading lesson only takes 5-10 minutes and math 10-15 minutes, so the only reason you're doing so bad on your lessons is because of your own laziness 😂😂. Anyways, most of the one stars are coming from people angry at I-Ready for their own district's choices, which is unrelated to the app as a whole. So to sum this up, I'd have to say that the bad reviews are coming from a biased source who just doesn't want to do their schoolwork.

Reveiw Writer333 , 12/01/2021

Mentally exhausting

I-Ready is literally the worst. Everyone in my class hates it, and for good reason. We are assigned 45 minutes per Reading and Math per week. This very much disrupts our other homework, considering we don’t even learn anything. Ima construct an evidence based review that I learned IN REAL CLASS. Claim: I-Ready lessons need to improve. Evidence: -Lessons are very slow, and usually take 45-60 minutes to complete - if you fail a lesson, they make you redo it (up to 2x) with no changes. “HEY, THIS DIDNT WORK, LETS DO THE SAME THING AGAIN.” Pretty much the definition of insanity. -As a middle schooler, the characters are horrible. How am I supposed to learn anything half decent with characters made for kindergarteners? -Instruction is very difficult to understand. I am not a big fan of online learning sites, but at least sites like think-central (a GO-MATH brand site) has a “step-by-step” option/ show me how to get the answer, while I-Ready over here is making me bend over backwards trying to learn algebraic expressions. When we finally got to it in class, it took me only a few days to catch on. I was working on algebra expressions for 3+ weeks in I-Ready! Reasoning: This evidence clearly states that I-Ready need to improve their system. Everyone in my school dreads this task, and it is a very unpleasant experience. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone. Note: I have no issues with the diagnostic. No matter what I-Ready does with that, nobody likes testing!

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