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欧博‎Nextdoor: Neighborhood Network on the App 

时间:2024-09-27 11:52来源: 作者:admin 点击: 15 次
Nextdoor is in neighborhoods nationwide. Tap into your neighborhood with Nextdoor. Find recommendations for businesses near you, search Nextdoor Fi

Luis Cumellas , 07/28/2024

Nextdoor Family

I want to thank this incredible platform; it not only keeps our community together on different topics, but also gives us the opportunity to make ourselves visible by offering our services. This app gave me the opportunity to work for myself again, being visible in different neighborhoods in Miami. Building a client portfolio takes time and dedication and Nextdoor gave me the opportunity to be seen by thousands of families at the same time. I started using it when that pandemic 😷 that paralyzed the entire world. I quit my job as Chief Engineer for 4 buildings in North Miami, so I went all in and won 💪. In 2008 when Real Estate fell, I was working independently as a Handyman and I was doing well, but that economic disaster in 2008 made me have to be a Chief Engineer for hotels and then those four buildings. I had already given up on going back to work for myself, but I found Nextdoor and I decided to leave everything and go back to work for myself and Nextdoor gave me my life back. Today, 4 years later, I can say that I feel very proud of all the effort I put into each job and for being recognized by my clients, highlighted in the more than 530 reviews from neighbors on my profile. Something incredible and very difficult to achieve 530 reviews; More than any other contractor in all of Miami? in 4 years working with Nextdoor, and this is why I love ❤️ this platform. Thank you, thank you 🙏 and a thousand more thanks, for giving me back my work freedom.

ilivemyhome , 04/23/2021

Options on the app

I love this app for so many reasons. I like knowing about car break ins, and things to be aware of for safety of my children at specific times in the day when people mention strange people in the neighborhood.
I love responses I get about experienced neighbors have had with specific out patient care like doctors, dentists, and other providers in the area. This app is great for new comers and very welcoming. We learn about good restaurants, outdoor activities, and good vendors etc.
The reason I gave this a low rating is because I would live the option to hide specific posts about animals on the lose, or families looking for their animals, and everyone letting each other know when their animals came home or when/where they were located.
There have been SO many posts that I wish that there could be a separate option within this app to view the “animals on the loose” posts. It would streamline pertinent information for those individuals who are looking for their animals, and if one was wandering ppl can post in this specific area and allow non-animal owners, or those of us who aren’t seeing lost animals, to streamline the information on the page.

Nodangnickname,ok? , 06/24/2022

Buggy, SLOOOOW, and where is everything??!

Nextdoor has become increasingly slower and buggier, and options that were easy to find before are now hidden and take several clicks to locate. You can swipe and swipe and swipe before the screen will actually scroll. Clicking on a post or image? Hurry up and wait, and half the time now the whole app freezes up. Even typing a comment is a monumental effort … I’ll have the entire sentence typed before it shows up on my screen. Then there’s the censors and moderation. I’m a neighborhood lead and have been for several years. I petitioned hard to become one. But then Nextdoor decided to dump a bunch of random people in as moderators. Many have absolutely NO idea what the rules regarding content even are! They’ll flag one word comments like, “Really?” as public humiliation. Because it was directed toward them or their pal. *true story* It’s frustrating to those of us who originally were tasked with this responsibility. Nextdoor’s auto-censor algorithms are utterly ridiculous too … flagging words like “stupid” or “jerk” and reminding us to be “nice.” 😐 Nextdoor: you have an awesome thing going here, great idea overall and content, but PLEASE bring back the earlier format! Speed things up, minimize the constant barrage of irrelevant ads, and go back to neighborhood leads only instead of all this random crap. I don’t expect a response to this review … Nextdoor isn’t real keen on that sort of thing either unfortunately.

Developer Response ,

Thanks for sharing your feedback, neighbor. We’ve recently redesigned the layout of Nextdoor to focus on the features that Neighbors use most based on our research and user feedback. This article should be helpful in navigating the new layout: https://nxdr.co/3oACmw2. If you have questions along the way, please let us know, here: We've shared your thoughts with our team, as hearing from neighbors like you helps us improve.

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