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‎Sam’s Club: Shopping made easy on the App 

时间:2024-09-26 20:04来源: 作者:admin 点击: 13 次
Sam’s Club. Discover all the perks of being a member with the app. Download today! Save time and shop easier every day with the Sam’s Club app. Make

Map guide. , 01/20/2020

Application performance and suggestions

I have recently started using click n pull and noticed couple of issues.
1. Whenever I reach club and open app, it shows my order and ask me to enter my parking spot. Once I enter my slot, it gives me error saying “Something went wrong, please try again”, but in reality it worked internally and notified the associate. This is very confusing and it’s happening repeatedly for me.
2. We have family membership and it would be great to be able to see other person in click n pull and add rather than typing names etc.
3. In family membership, there should be option to share “click n pull” orders with other members of family (at least who are registered and have sams card) so that either person can use the pickup. Currently my husband is not able to view any order that I make for click n pull.
4. This app has some serious issue with internal memory or CPU utilization. Once I was using scan n go feature when it suddenly cause my phone to turn off and my phone stopped working. It wasn’t charging or turning on. Apple support told me that your last app caused gpu to crash and impacted working image and it had to be hard reset.

strikspar , 06/15/2024

Technical service; CEO Michael Hiett inefficient

I requested assistance from the Corporate Office and technical department of Sam’s Club. I did not receive any support whatsoever. I poked around my account today and found my old phone number was showing as well as an expired visa card; the one I’ve been using for my purchases. They both needed to be updated. That’s all that needed to be fixed. For the past week, I’ve been unable to place my order simply because of those items needed to be updated on my account. No one helped me fix it; I was unaware that it needed to be fixed. This is a shameful, disgraceful situation for the hellish ways I was treated, which caused me anger, deep grief and frustration for my not being able to place my order… All because of simple fixes that could’ve been done within two minutes, but no one from Sam’s Club cared to delve even into the obvious on my account, to fix the problem. I am still waiting for a substantial compensation from Sam’s Club, Corporate Office, for all that Sam’s Club put me through. The $20 gift card was sent to me by Michael Hiett, to find out if my payment would take using it, along with my credit card. After I made those simple changes on my account today, my credit card and the gift card took. Again, I am still waiting for the substantial compensation from Sam’s Club for all the horrible things that Sam’s Club unnecessarily put me through, which was absolutely no way to treat any customer… Ever!

Erica Clark , 03/26/2022

Works Great & Doesn’t

I’ve used Scan & Go since it became an option at my club. Bypassing the lines has been a great bonus. The inclusion of scanning to pay at the pump was another awesome update for those of us living in states with winter (-20° weather isn’t enjoyable to stand outside and fight with the old fashioned pay at the pump game).

Everything was mostly smooth except trying to buy items off the mobile site. It’s a guessing game if the item will load properly, lock up, or suddenly send.

The latest update exasperated these issues, bleeding over into the Scan & Go function when I first arrive at the club. It tries to load an initial screen that has all my I formation visible that seizes the app, forcing a restart. Then I usually can find that screen cleared and the original screen that has divided sections for mobile site, scan & go, member info, and settings ready to use. The problem is this “pop up” window caused the mobile site to lock up. I’m trying to mobile order a pick up or delivery and the app locks up no matter how many times I try to restart and use it again. This is a nightmare for items that only appear infrequently at my club that I could actually use are now at the mercy of random chance. This is frustrating.

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