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欧博allbet‎United Airlines on the App Store

时间:2024-09-25 06:11来源: 作者:admin 点击: 13 次
Meet the United app From planning, to booking, to day of travel, we’ve got you covered. On our app you can: • look for flights across our globa

pltandy , 05/21/2018

An awesome time saver!

Access to my ‘ticket’ and flight information is so quickly is awesome! Wow, I remember having to go down to a ticket office(30 min) and spend an hour having someone else tell what they thought my flight options were (60min) and then having to print a ticket and keep up with it(never) and then strategically place the ticket where I can present it to 4 different people so I can make it through the airport including checking in for flight (60min+) then security, gate agent, and flight attendant all while stopping to check the board for which gate (15min) and any updates and heaven forbid I have a connecting flight and another flight coupon! Only complaint is I seem to have to closedown the app to get it to update added reservations - even if I made the reservation with the app. But maybe that is because I have gotten so used to having the information right away! It actually seems like the app, through notifications, gets the updated flight information quicker than the gate agents and flight crews! Makes me feel like a seasoned traveler - Well Done! Keep those updates coming.

Schmebulock , 04/02/2024

Frustrating experience

Had a bad experience last night at Aspen Airport. Flight was delayed because of an incoming aircraft delay. Notification was horrible, leading many people to go to the airport and wait for four hours. Fortunately I have a residence nearby and was able to go back to my house and wait there. There was, of course the expense of the Uber. Then got back to the airport around 945 pm and everything seemed good -we loaded on the plane and pulled away from the gate and then had to cancel because of lack of deicing equipment. I was automatically rebooked to this morning. That flight time changed suddenly a little after 7 am and then when I went on your app to rebook, it offered the option of choosing standby without losing your original confirmation. I went to do that, but was unable to do anything other than confirm a different flight. I did that, despite that not being my preference, and then was not assigned to a seat. When I went to choose seats, the first class seats which I had paid for in my previous flight were not available. No big deal. But when I went to choose an exit row seat, it wanted to charge me $69 more despite the fact that I had originally had a first class booking. I spoke to an agent via the text option and she was unable to help me! What’s the point of having a customer service agent if they can’t provide service to the customer? overall, United has some big issues and needs to understand that there has to be a focus on the customer.

robertallenpayne , 09/09/2021

App Devs - Hope you read

I dislike leaving a “review” when I really need to submit a product complaint, but United leaves me no other obvious choice to submit feedback about the app. Overall, it’s a great app. But now that you must put in your card information into the app in order to make purchases on board, there’s a problem. I am NOT going to verify my card every time I check in for a flight. That’s just stupid. I do it once, and that should be it. I take at least two flights a week on United. So at least twice a week I’m being asked to verify a card that I verified less than 4 days ago. You may say that “we need to verify the card is still in your possession” or some other reason. Sorry. But that’s your problem. If you require us to use the app instead of presenting a card, then there are certain risks you accept. Sure. Some guy that flys once a year? Make him verify the card. Your Platinums? Stop hassling us. It’s easier for me to skip on board purchases than to have to go through a verification every time I check in. Especially since I have to click all the extra boxes now because some people are too stupid to know to not fly if they have Covid and that they have to wear a mask. I hate the dumbing down of America to its lowest common denominator. So ease up on the card verification or go back to taking cards in flight.

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