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Ordering App on the App Store

时间:2024-09-22 09:01来源: 作者:admin 点击: 11 次
Where finger lickin

Madison7015 , 03/16/2021

I am a s t o u n d e d! Flabbergasted, really.

Since when has KFC had an app?! I feel the need to hop in my cream/tan (it's like the color of a perfectly toasted marshmallow) jeep and get a chicken sandwich and some coleslaw. The app is so clean and so... so... desirable!
Could it have a kids menu? Yes. Could it give me the option to remove ice from my drink? Yes. Could the developer make it a little more personalized? Like a 'good morning, I hope you get that promotion today' (bc I know the internet knows all my info anyways 🙄).. yes
But overall, I give the app 5 stars in general. But for the sake of specificity, I give it 4.765 stars.
You all should be proud of yourselves, mucho props (it was about time) and my 2021 has definitely gotten better from the discovery of this app and all that is has to offer
It's even better than Barack Obama eating pineapple on his pizza... I said what I said 🤷🏻‍♀️

Tj hhii , 06/26/2021

It works kinda

The app desperately needs work. It’s missing a lot of menu items. I had assumed they were removed from the menu so ordered different then a then what I actually wanted. So when I got there I seen the actual menu and was disappointed with what I got because everything I wanted was still available. Just not in the app. Also ordered sauces with the app get charged for it. Get up to drive through window they ask did I want any sauces I said no just the ones I ordered with the app. The employees informed me they can’t actually see what sauces I requested. So if they didn’t as or I just assumed it was good. I would have paid for sauces and not received them. Disappointing because I act find using apps to order more convenient. Rather then siting at the menu board try to order food and after each item being asked is that all. For real is it so common for people to just say an item and sit silently waiting to be asked if that all. That now it’s gotten so bad that people can’t take more then half a second to say the next item before being interrupted with is that all. No I will say and that’s all at the end of my order thank you very much.

ARC4321 , 05/02/2024


Make sure to enter the correct location or they will make excuses to not give you a refund! Better to go out of your way to the location you accidentally placed the order rather than try to cancel it and get a refund. For one thing the app is independent of the stores so it isn’t in the hands of the store to give you a refund. If you do attempt a refund you are put on hold a good long time, struggle to understand the foreigner taking your information to be transferred, put on hold all over again and repeat ALL the info you just gave to the first foreigner. After all that to be told sorry the window of time to get a refund is closed! Maybe it wouldn’t be if I hadn’t been on hold for 25 minutes! Now I’m supposed to wait for someone to contact me who has the authority to issue a refund! What a crock! I’m sure they won’t call! Guess I will file a dispute with my credit card company. Not going to give this stupid app my money for no service and wasting my time! All for a simple oversight that should be easily rectified! Place your order the old fashion way, I’m going to from now on.

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