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欧博娱乐‎WhatsApp Business on the App Store

时间:2024-09-01 03:35来源: 作者:admin 点击: 51 次
About this app Everything you love about WhatsApp plus built-in tools for business WhatsApp Business is a free-to-download app with built-in tools to

Tax Business Owner , 11/13/2022

iPad Compatibility

I sincerely love WhatsApp Business because with this app I could assigned a telephone number to my business and separate my personal number from it. It’s so genuinely designed for businesses with all the features you can apply it on your account; like: arrange chats, assign labels for easy follow ups, quick replies, have available business hours for your possible clientele! It’s amazing!

I would love it even more, if WhatsApp Inc., could have WhatsApp Business compatible with iPad, because a great volume of businesses have an iPad for their daily business operation's. It could work with WiFi Only iPad’s and also with the iPad’s that work with cellular connection. It would be a tremendous great opportunity to continue with the growth of WABusiness downloads with a next update making it available and compatible for iPad.

Vk Carib Groceries , 12/15/2023

It would be nice to have these fixes

I love the app….. but it needs some changes. As business owners it would be great to give the customers the option to make changes to their cart after we (Business owner) made changes to their order. Example: One of my customers placed an order and sent in their request. After updating and add custom orders, I sent it back to them. The customer then change their mind and want to now add more items to their cart. Surprisingly they can’t undo their order. We would like the option for them to make changes to their order before placing their order. Please see this!!!! I would also love if we could get to add a item within a Collection AFTER we create it. Not add an item then create a Collection. AND!!!!!! have an option within the ADD ITEM where we could select the ALREADY CREATED Collection!!!!!! I AM USING THIS APP FOR MY SMALL GROCERY STORE AND ITS BEEN GREAT. IF THESE BUGS CAN’T BE FIXED THEN TELEGRAM WILL TAKE OVER BECAUSE THEY ALREADY HAVE THESE FEATURES. PLUS MORE!!!

Alexander Buchelli , 10/07/2022

Nice! But Could Be Better…

Whatsapp business is a great app to have a more effective and efficient interaction with a potential client, and even though it gets the job done…it could be better.

Here are a few ideas:

-Search bar for the catalog (from both ends; client and business owner). This would help do business on this app in so many ways, and truly make life easier for not just the client, but also the business to have quick access to everything already registered.

-Tags for products. Something similar to the tags for contacts; a few optional tags that would help not only with the 1st idea, but also could be useful to sort the catalog (similar to the contacts feature).

-Option for client to see ALL catalogs at a quick glance (similar to the already existing feature for the business side). It would also be immensely useful for the client to be able to get a quick idea what type of products are being sold by the business and could really help accelerate the interaction process.

-AND lastly… The ability to share individual products from the catalog page. (As a client and business owner). This would make it to where potential clients and even the owner could share a specific product with someone and or in groups or etc. Maybe even something similar to the feature of the cart and the ability to share in other chats.

Other than that, the app is great.
4/5… for now…

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