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欧博官网‎Discover Mobile on the App Store

时间:2024-08-28 20:10来源: 作者:admin 点击: 52 次
You can manage your Discover credit card and bank accounts conveniently and securely from anywhere, using Discover’s Mobile App. Check your account ba

gypsy37 , 02/27/2023

Best credit card ever

In total I have 15 credit cards, half of them have a limit of over $5k….

But I have never been treated so well like I have been with Discover, in my experience when you apply they’re very generous with their starting amount, minimum they give you an accurate amount according to your credit worthiness. When I first applied I was in the 680s to 690s with MyFico score system, No late payments but 1 electronic bill collection that was paid but not removed from my CR, anyway Discover started me out with $10k, and after a year’s worth of fully paid payments each month & a few payments that was $100 to $200 on top of minimum due payment they’ve increased my credit to $15k! don’t forget to take advantage of the first year no interest fees, but if possible still try to pay off your full amount each month regardless of no interest rate. But as long as you keep your account in good standing, discover will treat you good. Also it’s a excellent credit score booster. Now I’m in the mid 700s and credit cards are looking for me with pre approvals many with no hard inquiries
And now I turn down credit offers!

Quad Sensae , 05/16/2024

Love Discover

As a customer of Discover Card for more than 30 years, I can honestly say that this bank has treated me better than any other bank. Financially, I’m in great shape now and I don’t need much help. But when times were tough, I was always able to call up Discover and they worked with me to get through the rough time. Once or twice a year I notice credit line increases, which tells me that someone is paying attention and silently saying “Thanks for being a customer. We like you and trust you. Here’s some more money, go have some fun.” It’s my lowest interest rate credit card, so I’m not really worried if I can’t pay it off in a particular month and need to pay a little interest on the next statement. They don’t crush me with ridiculous interest. The rewards are excellent. I save the reward money for the end of the year, and it literally pays for Christmas. And every now and then I’ll take a personal loan to cover a big expense, which is an effortless experience and is nicely managed in the app. Thank you Discover for being a great bank and helping me fund my life over the years. Keep up the great work.

Alicexlovesxyou , 10/12/2021

Horrible customer service and computing errors

Last two times I went to make a payment, I specifically changed it from the default bank to my work provided bank account. Despite this, it’s taking the money from my default account that is hardly used and doesn’t have the funds to cover. While I’m not sure if this is the company or apps fault, they refuse to fix or change anything, and when trying to use the live chat, it keeps exited me out of the app and even deleted my chat history. Good thing I got screenshots. Then it started me back at the beginning of talking to the virtual assistant, and I lost what little progress I had made talking to the first agent I had before the app closed out on me. I have been charged $70 in overdraft fees from them taking money from the wrong account that I explicitly told them not to do again the first time this happened. Since you’re downloading this app, it’s too late to warn you about the horrible customer service and not choose this credit card, but be prepared to have no solution to your problem after over an hour of trying to deal with representatives through this app. I will be paying off my card by transferring money through my work account to my default account, which I shouldn’t have to do since I paid them just fine in the past, and then closing my account with this horrid company.

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