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Available for beta testing: Zotero for Android

时间:2024-07-28 04:30来源: 作者:admin 点击: 63 次
Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, annotate, cite, and share research.

We're happy to announce the beta of Zotero for Android.

You can install the app from the Google Play Store:


Current features:

Sync personal and group libraries

Edit item data and notes

Organize items into collections

Download and upload files via Zotero Storage

View PDFs and snapshots

Annotate PDFs (highlight, note, image, and ink annotations)

Not yet implemented:

Saving from the browser

Adding items via identifier or barcode scanning

Citation/bibliography generation

WebDAV file syncing

This is an early beta, so we don't recommend using it if you're in the middle of an important project. If you do want to try it, be sure you’ve made a backup of the Zotero data directory on your computer before installing the app.

The beta is currently limited to 1,000 testers, but we'll increase that limit once the app has gone through a bit more testing.

Please create new threads in these forums for any bug reports or feature requests. Be sure to put "Android" in your thread title so it's clear what you're referring to.

Thanks for helping to test the app!

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