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欧博allbet‎Wells Fargo Mobile on the App Store

时间:2024-07-11 07:33来源: 作者:admin 点击: 53 次
Account Management •Access your cash, credit, and investment accounts with Touch ID®¹ or Face ID®¹ •Review activity and balances •View your credit car

AceOfBaseLoL , 03/31/2024

Has options that are unusable

Things like ‘report your card lost or stolen’ and ‘replace your card’ after nothing your app can actually do. They will give you an 800 number to call, where they then try to force you into using the sentence “my voice is my password please verify me”. Big mistake! Don’t do that I have in the past and it locks you out of your account plus anyone with a voice cab impersonate you easy enough to trick their kindergarten-level-security-system. Next, Good help you if it’s the weekend because they will make you talk to people for hope until they tell you claims department is closed on Saturdays and Sundays so ordering a new card, disputing a charge or unlocking you’re card won’t happen until Monday-Friday (regular business hours; probably closes at va 5pm, can’t recall). So don’t este your time, they are all good at pretending to help then after half an hour or more, tell. You thru can’t help. And they get all confused and offended if you breathe. I’m thinking about changing my bank but I’ve only had this account open for a week and I’m already having so many debit card issues. Last Thursday or Friday I disputed two .97 cent charges from Facebook and they said they’d have to shoot my entire card down which I had for several days, I see today a new charge went thru and I’m wondering why why the card supposedly was cancelled indefinitely last week! So these liars wasted my time in the phone and during this review!

Developer Response ,

We're sorry to hear that and would like to try and help. Please email us with details (phone number, link to this public comment and your reviewer name) at appstorefeedback@wellsfargo.com. Do not share anything private when emailing us, such as account numbers. -Roger

whitewolf361 , 01/18/2020

Very Nice App, Minor Quirks

The Wells Fargo app is a very good one - you can nickname accounts (even ones from Greenhouse by Wells Fargo), send and request money via Zelle in-app, and add external accounts and initiate transfers from the app. The colors are nice and vibrant, and the iconic stage coach graphics are nice. There are some minor quirks, of course; certain options are given names instead of using the description (i.e. card lock/unlock is under “Control Tower”), so it can be a bit difficult to find certain options or features, at least when you haven’t used the app in a while. Some suggestions for the app - incorporating pictures of bank cards (debit and credit) within the app would be a neat visual; being able to rearrange your accounts within the app (like Chase and Capital One) would be awesome; and maybe some trivia in the app would be nice, including historical trivia about Wells Fargo bank, being one of the oldest banks around (US). When clicking/tapping on the last four digits of accounts numbers to see the whole thing, seeing the routing number would be awesome, so you know are what it is, and being able to copy it to the device’s “clipboard” would be awesome. And finally, being able to view product information would be really nice; ie. view information for checking/savings accounts, as well as credit cards & certificate accounts too. Hopefully some of these things could be implemented in the near future.

2a2o , 11/10/2022

Overall meh, still lacking useful features.

I’ve been a customer for several years now and have used their mobile nearly since opening my accounts. Yet their app has really only been good for basic functions such as checking balances or making simple deposits, withdrawals, or payments. The app itself has always lacked an intuitive interface. It’s always been confusing finding several functions, or straight up lacking, like searching for old transactions. It took them years for you to simply view your bank statements other than logging in on a desktop or even viewing your own account numbers or routing numbers.

The biggest glaring, missing feature is a useful budgeting/spending tool. Recently a monthly spending report has been added, albeit within layers of unclear tabs and options. This spending report is pretty useless. I’m guessing it categorizes transactions based on the institution classification that the charge went to, and then shows an overall amount spent on that category. It doesn’t show you the transactions in question so you don’t know what you spent on which could help in managing your spending in the future. Bank of America has a great budget/spending tool that clearly shows what you’ve spent on and not just dumping everything into general categories. As a long time customer I would like to see something like this added. Pretty soon the lackluster services provided by Wells Fargo will soon outweigh the hassle of transferring accounts to another bank.

Developer Response ,

We're sorry to hear that and would like to try and help. Please email us with details (phone number, link to this public comment and your reviewer name) at appstorefeedback@wellsfargo.com. Do not share anything private when emailing us, such as account numbers. -Becky

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