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欧博allbetFree radio app for Android and iPhone

时间:2024-07-06 15:44来源: 作者:admin 点击: 54 次
Free radio app for iPhone and Android | Download for free. Download now and listen to your favorite radio station on your smartphone.

How much data volume does listening to the radio consume?

The data volume consumed depends on the transmission quality provided or the data rate of the radio station. The higher the data rate, the higher the volume consumed. Current transmission technologies, so-called adaptive streaming, automatically adapt to the available bandwidth. This improves reception and at the same time minimizes the volume consumed. In general, you can make the following calculation for consumption: When listening to a 128 kbit/s stream, approximately 60 MB are transferred per hour. For smaller streams, such as, for example, 64 kbit/s it is still 30 MB per hour. For a bit rate of 32 kbit/s, it is only 15 MB. For larger streams such as 256 kbit/s, it is 120 MB per hour.

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