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欧博‎GarageBand on the App Store

时间:2024-06-21 18:57来源: 作者:admin 点击: 80 次
GarageBand turns your iPad, and iPhone into a collection of Touch Instruments and a full-featured recording studio — so you can make music anywhere yo

KallMeDaKing , 10/09/2020

Pretty Good...

I like this app a lot and I honestly think that once I get better at producing music, that this could be a go to for me until I get to a professional stage in my career. The only problem is that there aren’t a lot of sound packs to choose from and it kind of gets boring after a while hearing the same sounds over and over again in almost all of your songs. So I think there should be more sound packs to choose from and that there should be more loops as well cause anytime I look through there it’s always very repetitive and boring. I also think there should be a quick tutorial cause I’ve had a lot of friends delete this app just because it was hard to navigate through and figure out what was what and where they could edit certain loops or some of their own samples at. It doesn’t have to be suuuper long but it should just go over the basic aspects of the app and where everything is at so that it’s easier for new producers to find stuff. Overall I’d recommend downloading this app cause it’s worth the while (at least until it gets old and boring but I still get on sometimes) I almost forgot to add that I also think it’d be a nice feature if you were to add a hidden loops list where you can remove loops from the general list and specific genres and things so that whenever you’re looking for some good loops you don’t come across the ones you know you’ll never use or just don’t vibe with.

Roctor11 , 02/04/2021

Let’s Do It!

This is a fabulous app that is an absolute Must for writers/arrangers who get stuck alone (not good) at airports, parking lots, Etc ..
The sounds are absolutely fabulous! I could pick nits and say that on cannot press the drum-stick into the drumhead depressing just enough to tighten the next strike to a different semi-tone ... but I won’t. It is great for mapping out numerous tracks of a song in your head with symphonic strings or Japanese instruments (of which I had never heard) but which sound very Celtic. It is a candy store with invisible, one -way lids: they keep the candy clean but you can reach right through and grab whatever you need for the next part of your song!
It is absolutely almost all of the “Jetson-type“ musical things about which I dreamt as a child. Everything for a complete rainy afternoon at my fingertips! If you can imagine it, most likely you can write it on this with the use of myriad tools. It’s learning curve is practically idiot proof – as attested to buy my ability to use it with such ease. Get this wonderful app and open up all the windows you can find As You Need and use them: choose a few at the beginning and find out how incredibly wonderful it is as you add on to your knowledge and your abilities.
I am waiting to hear that someone has used this for an entire movie score ... it will not be long in coming – if it hasn’t already happened!
Thank you for presenting this app to all of us to use it! It is almost God-given!

⭐️fivestarreviews⭐️ , 02/13/2024

Garage Band

I’ve heard of this app before from teachers, friends, and family, and I decided that I would give it a shot! When I first downloaded the app, I wasn’t sure what it was going to be like, but now that I have it, I am highly impressed! This app is so cool in so many different ways! Let me tell you about this app!
Garage Band has many different styles of music and different instruments. You can download different styles of music for free! This will give you access to more instruments, sounds, and more! My personal favorites were 8-bit Legends, Trak Girl, Soulection, Tom Misch, Oak Fedler, and Chinese Modern. When you choose one, you can play around with the sounds and instruments and pick which ones you would like to play in your song. When you hit the record button, you can click which sounds you want to play at that moment and the tune. You can get a little creative and play around with the tones, tempo and more! I am a dancer, and I liked having the opportunity to make some fun songs to dance to! All of your Garage Band Songs will be saved in files. Another good thing about this is that you can share your songs with other people through iMessage, email, Airdrop, Notability, Notes, Freeform, and more!
This app is really cool and fun! You should give it a try and let your inner music maker shine! ☺️
Look for more reliable review at ⭐️five star reviews⭐️

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