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Mobile Apps

时间:2024-06-17 20:37来源: 作者:admin 点击: 65 次
Our PTSD-related mobile applications (apps) provide self-help, education and resources. We also have treatment companion apps for use with your health

When you use a VA mobile app, no data that could be used to identify you is sent to VA or third parties. Any information that you enter into the app, such as names, phone numbers, addresses, images, or music, cannot be accessed, stored, or shared by VA.

VA mobile apps do collect anonymous information about how people use the app. It is only used to improve how well the app works. We can see what sections of the app people visit, for example.

We often use this information to correct technical problems in the apps. This information cannot be linked to any personal information about you and will never be shared with a third party.

PTSD is a serious mental health condition that often needs professional evaluation and treatment. These apps are not intended to replace needed professional care.

If you would like to turn off sending this anonymous usage information, go to the Settings menu, look for "Anonymous Usage Data," and flip the switch to the "off" setting.

VA uses some software analysis tools to help identify and prevent app problems. VA mobile apps do not share personal or identifying information with any of the vendors of these tools.

In using a VA mobile app, it is your responsibility to protect any information in the app once it is installed on your device. Setting a passcode on your device is recommended to help keep your information safe.

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