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‎LINE on the App Store

时间:2024-06-07 20:20来源: 作者:admin 点击: 56 次
LINE is transforming the way people communicate, closing the distance between family, friends, and loved ones—for free. With voice and video calls, me

The line between instant messaging and social media is becoming a bit fuzzy—and that’s a great thing. Line offers free texting, voice messages, and video calls, all within its own nifty social network. With the app’s uncluttered, friendly interface, it’s simple to start group chats with close friends, receive notifications from celebrities you follow, or post daily highlights to your timeline. Tons of adorable virtual stickers give your messages added spark, and Line even integrates with select games and apps, letting you effortlessly share your achievements and creations.

Leningrab , 12/05/2023

Line apps are confusing and notifications can’t be shut off

Line is a very cute messaging app and I love many parts of it. But they need to do a much better job of integrating it’s third party apps like Line Go and Line Pay.

I had to Google several different sites to figure out how to add Line Go, the taxi app, into my account. It involved finding an obscure page and following it. The page does not show up if you search within the app. I couldn’t even figure out Line Pay but I heard you can only use it with a Taiwan bank account anyway.

Lastly the notifications can’t be muted. My god, this is such a simple feature. If you mute a channel’s notifications (for example a group that is very chatty but you need to stay in it for important updates), the notifications still appear on the badge icon in your iPhone. It makes it seem you’re missing direct messages so you are forced to check Line and discover the notifications are all from the group you muted. It’s incredibly aggravating and a waste of time and attention, please fix this Line.

doglover9754 , 10/23/2018

Pretty good.

So I’d say Line is like the best thing that has ever happened to me since I’m not allowed to have a social media account. It’s easy to use, I can stay in touch with all my friends and family who have the app themselves, and hey, who doesn’t like personalization?! Line allows you to personalize your app so it’s looks are to your liking and you can even add in some stickers. On that note, let me just say. LINE POINTS ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO GET. You NEED Line points to get those personalized themes and stickers. You NEED Line points for your Line to not be boring. But there’s like NO WAY for you to get Line points. Of course there is the option of “follow the Line Points account for free Line points”. I tried and then realized that there is an EXPIRATION date to how long your point activation lasts. And this can only be done ONCE. What’s worse? They only give you 5. It says 20! What can you do with 5 points? It’s pretty much like “I’ll give you 20 points but I didn’t feel like it so I’ll give you 5”. There is no system where you can accumulate more points over time which I think is needed. The only way to get points is from gift cards or hacking. And we all know you don’t want any of your personal info to be leaked right?

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