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欧博allbet‎App Store 上的“Pinterest”

时间:2024-06-06 06:48来源: 作者:admin 点击: 60 次
灵感汇聚,尽在于此。 Pinterest 是探索灵感的乐园。你可以: - 发现新颖想法 - 收藏灵感源泉 - 购买所好之物品 - 寻找新创建者 - 分享你之所爱 探索缤纷想法,让梦想变成现实。在 Pinterest,一切皆有可能:让庭院秒变冬日仙境。改造温馨装饰。描绘美甲美景。丰富衣柜色彩。见证

What do I make it?? ,欧博allbet 2024/03/14

Wish I could save videos

It’s an amazing app for entertainment and it has everything. If you look something up you’ll easily find it. I love how I can save photos to my phone but it would be great if I could save videos because some of my friends and family don’t have Pinterest and if I want to send them a video of if there I can’t. If they don’t want Pinterest they shouldn’t be forced to download it just to watch a video. If you could make it so we can save videos too that would be great. Overall it’s an amazing app and I definitely recommend it if you need some source of entertainment or if you want to look something up it’s easy to find on there. I find absolutely everything on here and I think you will too. If you need ideas or are bored Pinterest has it. Personally it’s way better than Tik Tok with the environment. I’ve had the app for a good while now and all the time I have seen barely any people fighting in the chat and if your scared that people are going to talk bad about your post you can turn the comments off which is amazing. I hope you try it out I think it’s a good app for everyone all though there is one more thing. I think Pinterest needs to check their ads. A lot of the ads I get are inappropriate or they make me feel very uncomfortable. The ads are WAY worse than the actual post people make. I don’t think they should have ads like that on there. Anyone shouldn’t see stuff like that.

Ashley2772 ,欧博百家乐 2022/02/18

Love the app, but not some of the updates

I’ve had this app, and an account, for 8-10 years, and it’s one of my favorite apps! What I love is: -There are tons of pins, covering vast topics, ideas, images, etc. -The boards are pretty easy to search -I can go into my profile, type in some general words, and find what I’m looking for nearly every time. What I don’t like is: -The app refreshes if you leave it to look at something (unless you have one pin up on your screen, then it mostly won’t refresh, except when it’s been too long), which causes you to lose the pin(s) you were looking at (I recall looking at a pin for a door that was flat, round (think a Hobbit-type door, but glass, not wood), and had panels of stained glass that rotated around the circle/away from the lock on the door when you cranked the door handle in order to open said door, and I can’t find it anywhere. I have tried to look and am out of ideas for how to search for it) -When you go to save a pin, the top 3 boards that come up are the most recent ones you’ve pinned to (it used to be that the app anticipated the top 1-3 boards most relevant to the pin you’re trying to pin in that moment) -I have a Screenshot board (that was something added by the app, as an automatic way to save pins when you screenshot them), and now the app doesn’t do it anymore, so I now have to go through all those pins and sort them into their relevant boards

Emu taco's 2020/03/04

Love the app, hate the updates

I love Pinterest but if you’re going to update the app and give me options of things to do, don’t take it away! I used to be able to like pins if I didn’t have a board to put it in. I can “react” to certain pictures but I can only use one reactions option and it’s not for all pins. So now I have a bunch of pointless boards so I can still see things that I like. I loved having the option of sections in boards because if I have a “house work” board I can do a section with the bathroom, the bedroom, the living room, etc. It was a while since I updated and when I finally did, I wish I hadn't. I went to create sections for my travel board based on places to make it easier to plan my own trips and I can’t! I’m actually mad about this. And something that isn’t really a major issue but kinda disappointing is that when I come across a pin that I like and want to see more of, I tap on it. But sometimes it’s just an add and it takes me to a website. Which I guess I can see more by going through the website but I can usually access the website if I voluntarily tap on the picture after getting a preview. This is also the only app that closes out on me. I know it’s a free app and it takes a while to give the app its full potential but this isn’t really a new app anymore. Keep updates!!! When you bring in a new feature, don’t take it away from us! Some of us are (more like were) using those

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