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欧博官网Mobile on the App Store

时间:2024-06-05 11:17来源: 作者:admin 点击: 52 次
Keeping things simple yet secure – the T-Mobile app allows you to do it all in one place · Try the T-Mobile network with Network Pass ·

taken name nick , 07/21/2023

General T-Mobile experience

Overall I am pleased with T-Mobile. The coverage is good. The app is useful. I can comprehensively poke thru the app and get all the details of my account. If you need anything, go to a corporate store. Do not go to a local outlet store for major issues. I ran into a large problem getting properly credited when we changed phones. One rep told me one thing, sent me to another outlet store where another rep told me something different!! Then we were overcharged and didn’t receive credit due us. I called a rep from the phone number on the app, I believe, she looked all thru our account history, seen the errors, made account corrections and credited us with a good credit. Bc of her diligence, we are still customers. In rural areas, reception is still decent. I have had a lot of questions, issues, etc. Most of the reps in the corporate store in town here are always helpful, knowledgeable, kind. Here and there they strongly suggest an extra package or deal. Lol. I give T-Mobile an 8 out of 10. I am a pest in terms of looking absolutely everything over very carefully. Not a pest in terms of rude or impatient personality. Lol!!!
That’s my review.

jessi727 , 10/10/2022

Doesn’t support business accounts.

T-Mobile is by far the worst provider for business customers who prefer to perform their transactions online. The app does NOT support business accounts, nor is there a dedicated app for this type of account. Logging into the website from a mobile device is an absolute joke. Zero functionality. Any changes, device upgrades, purchases must be done in store or on the phone. In this day and age? Unacceptable. Literally every other provider is better in this regard. Similarly, if you think you can just hop on a desktop to upgrade, make a change to service, or any other basic function… think again.

I had to go into a brick and mortar store today to do something as simple as purchasing a new phone on an existing T-Mobile business line. And in the midst of the transaction, the ENTIRE NETWORK went down, and every customer in the store left after it became clear the network wasn’t going to be restored any time soon. So after going to another location later in the day, I finally got the phone I needed. Nearly 3 HOURS of my day was wasted doing something that should’ve been able to be completed online in a few minutes.

So yeah… get your crap together T-Mobile, and get with the times. Give business customers a dedicated app, or at the very least allow us to access our accounts through the existing app. Nobody has time for this nonsense.

Bleu420 , 09/23/2023

No title

Much as I really have a problem with T-Mobile and their service sometimes. As far as the agents, app , company as a whole. I will admit, there are very few reps/agents that really want to help their customers to the fullest. And you have those who just don’t and it’s just a job. It really is a job don’t get me wrong. But when you have no compassion for people that may have financial issues and some that’s not even their own. It could be a job that, make mistakes on people paycheck, mail being on hold, someone sick and out of work, some who don’t know their way around the computer or app and don’t know the tools. It could be so many things, if you don’t have compassion to just help people where they are you have nothing. I would hate to see someone suffer for no reason or no compassion. A lot of people need to go through something in order to see how some others feel and what they go through to understand. Everyone story is different . So thank you to all the reps, and the app that help people wherever they are and whatever they need you for. !! Thanks for letting me share.

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