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欧博官网Organized Email on the App Store

时间:2024-05-26 18:58来源: 作者:admin 点击: 84 次
Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Yahoo Mail - Organized Email. Download Yahoo Mail - Organized Email and

Turtledav , 10/03/2023

Lots of email options missing

So many email options missing, one of which I think is highly important; I want to forward an obvious scam email to report it as phishing, however there is no option to forward the email without opening it. Of course I’m not wanting to open a scam email that I already know is a scam email. On top of that, the email shows it’s from a legitimate email when I hover over it in which I know is not legitimate by looking at the preview of the email, & that btw only works on my desktop computer & not on my phone. I could go on, but right now that’s my two biggest concerns. I’m trying to stay safe, but it is obvious to me that AT&T is not going to provide safety without me being forced to subscribe to their $7 a month upgrade in which only says it provides features I already have & pay for & don’t need. Also I’ve been getting quite a bit of spam lately, where it use to all go automatically to my spam folder (would never come to my inbox), but for some reason things have become less secure. I wish I knew how to solve that on my end, but that’s not possible, as I see no option.
Revised Review: I guess maybe I’m directing my frustrations to the wrong entity; instead I think I need to direct my frustration towards AT&T since they are responsible for the workings of my email, maybe my frustration has nothing to do with Yahoo; so I’ve decided to change the star review to 5 stars, but I’m leaving my comments on here.

jetnova16 , 03/06/2019

Doesn't Allow Scrolling

When you try to advance to new emails further down the scrolling section of emails in the Inbox, Spam folders as well as your own created folders the app automatically scrolls up enlarging the scroll bar as it advances back up on its own making it 100% impossible to scroll down to any and all emails that are off the screen and thus further down. The only way to get to them is to go to Full Screen View on one email and using the arrows to advance down to earlier previous emails.

Because of this it makes this app 100% impossible to use and thus really not worth any Stars whatsoever. Especially since this problem has been going on for months (since well into 2018) and all Feedback complaining about it has been ignored and it's only gotten worse with each update to this app. It used to only effect the Spam folder, then it also affected Created Folders and the Archives folder and most recently it's been effecting the Inbox as well.

Thus with each time the problem has made the Yahoo Email App 100% impossible to use and requiring going to Safari or a Computer to get it to actually work right. With Yahoo also ignoring Feedback on this problem for months and not fixing it in any update this app is 100% NOT WORTH IT!

Timc266 , 07/16/2021

Great app one small flaw

I like this app I have no problems with its functionality. Perhaps others should update it if having functional issues. One thing that would make it perfect in my opinion (thus deserving of 5 stars) is if one had the ability to change the sound that is used for notifications of new mail received. I tried doing so in both phone settings and in app settings to no avail. One of the main reasons I switched to this app instead of using the Mail app in iOS was because for the last month or so (maybe longer) the iOS Mail app was not receiving pushed mail from Yahoo. It was before because I paid for that ability from Yahoo (paid so that POP mail would be supported). I guess Yahoo decided to stop that service or make it slow or whatever maybe to push (no pun intended) their own Mail app. It's fine. I'm not too disappointed. (I will be stopping payments for that though) Anyway, like I wrote, the main reason I got the app was so I could get mail as it's pushed to the server and now that's happening again. But the sound is too much like other notifications (like Tweet notifications and calendar reminders) so I can't tell by sound alone what just occurred on my phone. The sound is too much like other notifications in other words. So if we could change that notification sound that would be awesome. It would make the app perfect, IMO. I already submitted this as feedback in the app but I thought I'd write a review about it as well.

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