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欧博abg‎SkyView® Lite on the App Store

时间:2025-02-23 05:25来源: 作者:admin 点击: 0 次
SkyView® Lite brings stargazing to everyone! Simply point your iPhone, iPad, or iPod at the sky to identify stars, constellations, satellites, and mor

Guenhwyvarrrrrrrrr , 11/03/2024

🤯 🪐 ✨☄️🌘☀️🤯SkyView is AWESOME!!!

🤯😵‍💫🫨🤯😵‍💫🫨🤯😵‍💫🫨 I had a very long and well written positive review about this amazing free Milky Way celestial body app moments ago. Unfortunately, as I wrote my final sentence, the App Store app suddenly timed me out 😑 and sent me to the Home Screen, splattering my glorious words into oblivion. Basically this is the absolute A1, cream de la crème, king of kings, Lord of all space apps in regards to being free and providing accurately delicious information. Easy, fun and practical to use the app while educating our simple little minds simultaneously. Puts the colossal immensity of space into our palms while perfectly putting things into perspective as life’s problems shrink to grains of sand when compared to the cosmos. I wish to convey my deepest, most sincere gratitude toward SkyView’s developers as they have tremendously helped me in more ways than I would have imagined through using this app. Also the free Lite version is all I have ever needed and I commend them further for not constantly badgering me to pay for anything except for a subtle suggestion to upgrade now and then which is understandable. Thanks again for bringing the heavens into our homes. God bless everyone involved in this wonderful feat of programming 🙏🙏🙏

killerclown101 , 01/17/2017

One of the main reasons I use my phone

I have used this app for a couple years now, and I cannot say that there is an app I have used for the same amount of time that has brought me more joy, excitement, and satisfaction than this one. It allows my never ending curiosity to be aided in a way that leads to discovery. Which I think is absolutely awesome. I would call myself an amateur astrophotographer, and this app helps me out a bunch. It is also really helpful to be reading a section of the textbook for my current astronomy class, and be able to whip this app out and find what star or galaxy we are talking about.

I do wish it would give you a better look into the future, being able to project where certain stars, galaxies, or nebulae will be in a larger scope of time. I am practicing taking shots of the heart of the milkyway, but I still have about a month or two until it will be near that time where I live. I'd like to be able to plan a bit more for my shots, so I end up on safari searching for the right info to help me out. I feel that would be a modest addition to the app.

honey bee 🐝🍯 , 08/12/2022

SkyView Lite!

So some people are confused about how there are constellations on objects and/or pointing on the ground. The earth is round, and you are not the only person that can see stars, the stars are all around you but you can’t see them because you are in a different place. You also might see a star/planet above you’re head, then right next to you, that is because earth is rotating and planets are also moving. The app is not fake, the constellations are in the right spot, some starts might be too dim, or light are too bright. You also can’t have any interference with magnets or you’re compass might not work. If you want to check if it’s real or working, then look in the sky (without the app) and find a constellation within the app. I’ve had zero problems with this app, and everything seems to be right, you might need to update it to find more stars. I 100% recommend SkyView Lite! (Also the Big Dipper is in a bear constellation)

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