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欧博abgStudents from all disciplines take a bow at B

时间:2024-06-30 13:28来源: 作者:admin 点击: 24 次
The annual Ovation celebration put an exclamation point on 2023-24 Baldwin Wallace student achievement.

The annual Ovation celebration put an exclamation point on 2023-24 Baldwin Wallace student achievement.

Poster presentation at BW Ovation 2024


The end of the academic year at Baldwin Wallace University marks a time to celebrate diligent work, innovation, creativity and exceptional achievements. The Ovation Day of Excellence, held this year on April 25, showcased original scholarly and creative projects, performances and research.

Ovation, open to all BW students regardless of major or program, honors academic excellence and raises awareness of the scholarly and creative pursuits of BW students who contribute original work to their respective fields. To participate, students must complete the submission process and have a faculty mentor who sponsors and approves their work for presentation.

Repping diverse majors @baldwinwallaceuniversity Special thanks to @Star Machine the Musical for opening this year’s Ovation Festival! ⭐️🐝👏 Don’t miss their staged concert on April 25 & 26 in Gamble Auditorium!

During this year’s annual Ovation celebration, more than 165 student projects were showcased throughout the Knowlton Center, representing disciplines in every school within the University, including health, education, performing arts, STEM, business, science, mathematics, computing and social sciences. 

Along with posters, presentations and exhibits throughout the Knowlton Center and the Center for Innovation and Growth, the day featured demonstrations in the user experience (UX), robotics and data visualization labs, as well as a Coffee House where students presented original readings and musical performances.

Additionally, opening ceremonies showcased performances of both dance and an original musical, Star Machine, written, directed and performed by BW students.

The Ovation Soapbox gave students the opportunity to advocate for issues they are passionate about, including voting, trans rights and first generation college students.

Overall, the day served as a testament to the hard work, innovation and exceptional achievements of BW students, putting an exclamation point on the academic year while fostering the community of learning and creativity that is a hallmark of the BW experience.

Ovation Day of Excellence 2024 Gallery

Ovation soapbox

Cast of Star Machine performed at Ovation 2024

Poster presentations at Ovation 2024

Lunch is served at Ovation 2024

Lunch is served at Ovation 2024

BW Ovation 2024

BW Ovation 2024

BW Ovation 2024 picnic

Student author presents at Ovation

Ovation 2024 Music

Ovation Coffee House

Finance students present at Ovation

Ovation soapbox

Cast of Star Machine performed at Ovation 2024

Poster presentations at Ovation 2024

Lunch is served at Ovation 2024

Lunch is served at Ovation 2024

BW Ovation 2024

BW Ovation 2024

BW Ovation 2024 picnic

Student author presents at Ovation

Ovation 2024 Music

Ovation Coffee House

Finance students present at Ovation

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